Winter Dathun

    January Dathun 2025

    Prerequisites: "Touch and Go" weekend

    "Disgust with samsara leads us to seek a discipline that will cut through habitual patterns.  We look for a path, a teaching that is not based on accumulating further neurosis and confusion.  The discipline that provides the framwork for out entire path is the formal practice of sitting meditation.  Meditation practice allows us to look at things clearly, and we begin to develope mindfulness.  Mindfulness means paying atttention to the details of our experience.  Without mindfulness, we stumble, we get confused, we lose our way, and there is no possibility of proceeding.  When we do not miss the details of our experience, we are awake, alert , and precise."  The Vajra Regent Osel Tendzin

    Dathun "Month Session" is a seminal retreat developed by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.  The retreat format is a combination of two practice traditions-- the dzogchen/mahamudra teachings of Trungpa Rinpoche's Surmang Kagyu tradition and the Soto Zen Teachings of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. 

    Dathun Schedule

    5:30  Wake up

    6-8  Shamatha/ Vipashyana meditation

    8  Oryoki Breakfast

    9-12 Morning Chants and Shamatha/Vipashyana

    12 Oryoki Lunch

    1-2 Rest Period

    2-4 Work Period

    4-6 Shamatha/Vipashyana and Protector's Chants

    6  Dinner

    7-9 Shamatha/Vipashyana and Closing Chants 

    Event Properties

    Event Date 01-03-2025
    Event End Date 01-31-2025
    Individual Price $1,500.00

    We are no longer accepting registration for this event